The Jefferson State Militia - Cheap Nutritious Long-term Last Minute Emergency Food Supply.




Here’s a breakdown of hundreds of
emails coming into the JSM..

Commander Jim / Dear Jim /etc.

".. Help!  What is your advice on last
minute low cost long term emergency
chow…? I didn’t believe the info
coming from JSM and other alternative
sources regarding this dark reality that
has engulfed us … and we are not
 prepared to feed our kids and
ourselves for the long haul.. 
help if you can…"

Why you are unprepared is
irrelevant – the fact that you need
to get emergency long term nutritious
tote-able, store-able food stuff
is enough…

Basic Emergency Long-term
Emergency food:

Multiple Vitamins that can be broken
up for small children – make sure it
has all the right stuff – most do supply
to serve all for 90 days

10 to 25 lbs. Sugar

25 lbs. securely bagged sea salt
or ordinary salt

50 – 100lbs. securely bagged rice
(worry not over the fact that it’s
‘white rice’, it still is good food
for all.)

25lbs.  Cooking Oil – recommend
Soy Oil great for high temp frying
and all other cooking oil needs.
(Olive oil is good but expensive
for the amount.)

50 – 100 packages of Ramen Soup
Ramen can be served as a broth for the
rice or eaten as directed and is
surprisingly tasty uncooked - when you
haven't time to cook.

Emergency fishing kit.

Regular run of the mill BB gun or
pellet gun in .177 cal.  Worry not
that it doesn’t cost a fortune and
be as ‘powerful as a .22 or larger.
1000 BB’s  (Your BB gun is
quite useful in harvesting small
birds for making broth for your
rice, etc.)

1 – Firestarter kit – flint, magnesium,
 there are many different set-ups.
Cotton ball soaked in Vaseline
 start under just about all conditions.

1 – Large cooking pot sturdy
 enough to fry or boil with. Will be
 useful in boiling dirty water for
drinking and or bathing / washing / cleanup.

1 – Folding shovel

1 – Survival knife

Ok, my fellow Patriots the above
 will get you and yours on down
 the healthy trail until better chow
 and or conditions present themselves.


And the Neo-Militia Movement

- What we are about -

What is important to the militia is what is important to all
Americans. We are concerned with the health of this nation.
Militia members are a cross section of the American people.
Many of us have been active in the political realm to voice
our opinion to our elected leaders. Our voice has yet to be heard.
We will not tolerate any trouble makers, Jew haters, bigots,
racists, dissenters of any type first and foremost. We are here
to reestablish the Militias reputation. The militia is a formation
 of communities. This is true now as it was throughout the
history of this land. We the people have gathered together to
form one voice in the hope that we will be heard.
Our communities are banding together across this country to
 form one voice which is getting louder each day. It is not the
guns of the militia that our government fears, we have not fired
a single shot. The people are uniting together as one to bring
out the truth, justice and liberty that we are Americans! 
The Jefferson State Militia is not a "Anti-Government"
hate club or occult of any type.  As an "Unorganized" militia
we will assist local state and government in times where
manpower has been exhausted.  We stand against enemies
both foreign and domestic.

We all see the destination in which
 Our Government is forcing
upon We American Citizens.
 So consider this:
'Like a powerful fast moving Train
heading break neck for the cliff,
We understand that: One doesn't turn
a train for it's on a track.
First the train must be stopped, and
then it must be backed up.'
Hasten Patriots to the Call of Liberty!
~ JRM - 12/22/08



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This Web Page last updated: 25-Sep-2009 12:27 PM -0700

WEB Page Created by James Mark Enterprises. ® Shasta Lake, California
